Main Blackett Tree

Richard Blachved, 1349

Richard /Blachved/
Given names
Birth of a son
Death of a paternal grandfather
Death of a father

Nick Vine Hall's book "My Name is Blacket" shows Richard's death as 1350, but the Inquisitions Post Mortem contained in the 45th annual report of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records, 1884 states:
"Blachved, Richard Inq. p.m. taken 30 November (1349) at Durham, Richard, aged 22 is his son and next heir."
Possibly died of the Black Death, which reached Co. Durham in Autumn 1349. In 1310 he was one of the co-defendants accused of forcible entry on 24 Jul 1307.
A 1724 abstract of the title deeds of Woodcroft belonging to Sir William Blackett refers to "Copys (sic) dated 1345 of Inquistions taken after the death of Richard and Christopher Blakehevede [?ing] the manor of Woodcroft and other lands held by Knight Service".